My areas of interest include machine learning, computer vision, mathematical modeling of computer systems, and data-driven algorithms. My specific research interests are in deep generative models for design applications and creative content creation.
Conference and Workshop Publications
"Dynamic-Deep: Tune ECG Task Performance and Optimize Compression in IoT Architectures"
Brosh, Eli, Elad Wasserstein, and Anat Bremler-Barr.
In NOMS 2022-2022 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (pp. 1-6)."Accurate Visual Localization for Automotive Applications"
Eli Brosh, Matan Friedmann, Ilan Kadar, Lev Yitzhak Lavy, Elad Levi, Shmuel Rippa, Trevor Darrell
In CVPR WAD, Long beach, CA, June 2019."Spatio-Temporal Action Graph Networks"
Roei Herzig, Elad Levi, Huijuan Xu, Eli Brosh, Amir Globerson, Trevor Darrell
In ICCV Workshops, Seoul, Korea, October, 2019."DDoS attack on cloud auto-scaling mechanisms"
Anat Bremler-Barr, Eli Brosh, Mor Sides.
In IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Atlanta, GA, USA, March 2017"Placement and Assignment in Distributed Network Topologies"
Yuval Rochman, Hanoch Levy, and Eli Brosh.
In IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Turin, Italy, April 2013."VMTorrent: Scalable P2P Virtual Machine Streaming"
Joshua Reich, Oren Laadan, Eli Brosh, Alex Sherman, Vishal Misra, Jason Nieh, and Dan Rubenstein.
In ACM Sigcomm International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), Nice, France, December 2012. Acceptance rate: 17%."Max Percentile Replication for Optimal Performance in Multi-Regional P2P VoD Systems"
Yuval Rochman, Hanoch Levy, and Eli Brosh.
In Proceeding of the 9th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST), London, UK, September 2012."Efficient Replication in Multi-Regional Peer Supported VoD Systems"
Yuval Rochman, Hanoch Levy, and Eli Brosh.
In Workshop on MAthematical performance Modeling and Analysis (MAMA), London, UK, June 2012."Serving Niche Video-on-Demand Content in a Managed P2P Environment"
Eli Brosh, Vishal Misra, and Dan Rubenstein.
In International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (Performance), Extended Abstract, Namur, Belgium, November 2010."VMTorrent: Virtual Appliances On-Demand"
Joshua Reich, Oren Laadan, Eli Brosh, Alex Sherman, Vishal Misra, Jason Nieh, and Dan Rubenstein.
In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2010, New Delhi, India, August 2010. Extended Abstract, SRC: Graduate Finalist"The Delay-Friendliness of TCP"
Eli Brosh, Salman Baset, Vishal Misra, Dan Rubenstein, and Henning Schulzrinne.
In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS 2008 Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, June 2008. Acceptance rate: 17%."SQF: A Slowdown Queuing Fairness Measure"
Eli Brosh, Ben Avi-Itzhak, and Hanoch Levy.
In International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (Performance), Cologne, Germany, October 2007. Journal version appeared in Performance Evaluation Journal."Understanding the Behavior of TCP for Real-Time CBR Workloads"
Eli Brosh, Salman Baset, Vishal Misra, Dan Rubenstein, and Henning Schulzrinne.
In ACM Sigcomm International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), Extended Abstract, Lisboa, Portugal, December 2006."The Effect of Service Time Variability on Queue Fairness"
Eli Brosh, Hanoch Levy, and Ben Avi-Itzhak.
In EuroNGI Workshop on QoS and Traffic Control, Paris, France, June 2006."Spatial Temporal Analysis of Passive TCP Measurements"
Eli Brosh, Galit Lubetzky-Sharon, and Yuval Shavitt.
In IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Miami, FL, USA, March 2005. Acceptance rate: 17%."Approximation and Heuristic Algorithms for Minimum-Delay Application Layer Multicast Trees"
Eli Brosh and Yuval Shavitt.
In IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Hong-Kong, March 2004. Acceptance rate: 18%
Journal Publications
"Dynamic Resource Re-positioning in Distributed Clouds"
Gail Gilboa-Freedman, Yuval Rochman, Hanoch Levy, and Eli Brosh.
Submitted to Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems."Dynamic placement of resources in cloud computing and network applications"
Yuval Rochman, Hanoch Levy, and Eli Brosh.
In Performance Evaluation, 115:1-37, 2017"The Delay-Friendliness of TCP for Real-Time Traffic"
Eli Brosh, Salman Baset, Vishal Misra, Dan Rubenstein, and Henning Schulzrinne.
In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 18(5): 1478--1491, 2010."SQF: A Slowdown Queuing Fairness Measure"
Eli Brosh, Ben Avi-Itzhak, and Hanoch Levy.
In Performance Evaluation, 64(9-12):1121--1136, 2007."Approximation and Heuristic Algorithms for Minimum-Delay Application Layer Multicast Trees"
Eli Brosh, Asaf Levin, and Yuval Shavitt.
In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 15(2):473 -- 484, 2007.
"Serving Niche Video-on-Demand Content in a Managed P2P Environment"
Eli Brosh, Vishal Misra, and Dan Rubenstein
In Technical Report, Columbia University, December 2009."The Delay-Friendliness of TCP"
Eli Brosh, Salman Baset, Vishal Misra, Dan Rubenstein, and Henning Schulzrinne.
In Technical Report, Columbia University, August 2008."SQF: A Slowdown Queueing Fairness Measure"
Benjamin Avi-Itzhak, Eli Brosh, and Hanoch Levy
In Technical Report, Rutgers University, January 2006."Approximation and Heuristic Algorithms for Minimum-Delay Application Layer Multicast Trees"
MSc Thesis in EE-Systems Department, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.